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Drew Graham PPJ 4

Week 4: Reviewing design of Enemy AI systems with teammates: 2 hours Implementing attacking systems for enemies: 12 hours Dev meeting: 1...

Michael Khodash, PPJ 04

Tasks Completed: · Design/Lead Meeting (1 hour) · Rush Demon Retopo (2 hour) · Beelzebub Sculpt (3 hour) · Total Hours (6 Hours)...

Idan Hershcovich PPJ 04

Tasks: -Team leads meeting: 1 hour -Dev Meeting: 1:30 hours -Testing document: 30 mins -Playtesting: 1 hour Total: Approx. 4:00hours What...

Rush PPJ04

Work Done: Prototyped New Ranged Units in Drew's New AI System: ~3ish hours? Changed Grail Randomizer, Reimplemented, Deimplemented,...

Joseph Chaga PPJ 04

Tasks: Finish Fight Music 02: 2 Hours Began Title Music: 3 Hours Total: 5 Hours Positive: Music is becoming easier and finding resources...

Holy Tester Q2 Alpha Build

WINDOWS: Top-Down Camera : Isometric Camera :...

Harrison Brietling PPJ 04

Tasks Completed: Team Meetings (2 hours) Survey Updates (1 hour) Ice Spear (2 hours) Ice Super Particle (2 hours) Grail Spawn Particle (2...

Wills Martin - PPJ 04

Task: Dev meetings - 2 hours Creating and implementing new torch light - 2 hours Trying to get lightmaps and light probes working - 6...


Tasks: Grail super ability charging - 2 hours Grail UI - 2 hours Git merging - 5 hours Total: 9 hours Positives: Git conflicts resolved...

Michelle Zhong - PPJ 04

Tasks - Enemy AI meeting with Drew and Kat: 2hrs - Research Playing multiple animations at once on same controller: 1 hr - Redo minimap,...

Yehonatan Tamir, PPJ 04

Tasks: -Asset Polish/re topology (1:30 hours) -Environment Art Meeting (1:00 hour) -Texture: Walls, Rubble, Gates, Torches, Pillars(2:30...

Nazifa Nawar PPJ #4

Hours Worked: Fixed textures to be dirt instead of moss/plants - 3 hours Did a basic once over with the UI art. - 4.5 hours Meeting - 1...

PPJ #4

This Week: Modeling pedestal: ~1.5 Hrs Texturing Floors: ~ 3 hrs Concept art for shield grail: ~ .5 hrs Meetings: ~1 hr Total: ~ 6 hrs...

Zach Harris - PPJ 03

Tasks Done: Various meetings (2 hours) Git issues (2 hours) Implemented Ice Grail Super (6 hours) Updated Debuffs to work with new...

Lange - PPJ #04

Tasks Completed Created Ice Grail Designs - 2.5 hours Created Fire Grail Designs - 1.5 hours Implemented Art Assets into Engine and...

Kat Leitao - PPJ 03

Tasks Done: Team lead meeting (2 hours) Programmer meetings (2 hours) Fully implemented player system redesign (6 hours) Implemented...

Tyler Sheehan PPJ 03

Time: Meetings: 4hrs Modeling Bat: 1hr Rigging Bat 1hr Amon Concepting: 3hrs (To be revised heavily) Positive: I like how the hellbat...

Michael Khodash, PPJ 03

Tasks Completed: · Design/Lead Meeting (2 hour) · Enemy design meeting (2 hours) · Rush Demon sculpt (1 hour) · Beelzebub sculpt (4 hour)...

Idan Hershcovich PPJ03

Tasks: -Team leads meeting: 2 hours -Dev Meeting: 30 mins -Enemy meeting: 30 mins -Testing document: 30 mins -Playtesting: 1 hour Total:...

Joseph Chaga PPJ 03

Tasks: Fight Music Updates (4 Hours) Player and Grail Sfx (2 Hours) Implement Six (.5 Hours) Total: 6.5 Hours Upcoming: Hopefully Finish...

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