Tasks Done:
Team lead meeting (2 hours)
Programmer meetings (2 hours)
Fully implemented player system redesign (6 hours)
Implemented isometric camera (1 hour)
Git merge issues (2 hours)
Helped with grail system design (1 hour)
Helped with player animation fixes (1 hour)
Total (15 hours)

Code is so much nicer now
Team is pretty flexible, which helps when a certain aspect needs a bit more attention
I've been enjoying working in a larger (but not too large) team like this far more than the smaller team of last term
We seem to have a good amount of work cut out for us to do for next week, might cause a bit of crunch, but hopefully we plan it out well
Help with enemy system
Implement grails
Implement twinstick controls
Fine tune a couple of things with the player system