Tasks: -Asset Polish/re topology (1:30 hours)
-Environment Art Meeting (1:00 hour)
-Texture: Walls, Rubble, Gates, Torches, Pillars(2:30 hours)
Total Hours: 5:00 hours
Positives: - Texturing was great got to fully finish some models.
- Environment model review went well and we should be finishing up the new assets by the end of this week.
- Team generated great feedback on the models and art that was presented.
- Second half of substance painter teaching was great ad easy.
Negatives: - A little miscommunication on the art and on the programming sides.
- Having to reassign people due to priority of the problem was stressful, but should be fully sorted out this week.
Upcoming: -Assign room developer.
-Texture ground for third level.
-Finalize UI for the game and have development start on pushing assets for it.
- Push all remaining assets.
-Play test and finally start modeling and texturing grails.