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Lange - PPJ #06

Tasks Completed Fixed Steampunk Rooms - 0.5 hours Created more Steampunk Rooms - 6.5 hours Edited Demonic Rooms Floor Texture and Add...

Lange - PPJ #05

Tasks Completed Implemented Art Assets into Engine and Prefabs Part 2 - 3.5 hours Created square ratio (1:1) rooms - 5.0 hours Total...


Tasks: -Level 2 transition - 4 hours -Asmodeus cutscene - 8+ hours Total: 12+ hours Positives: Gooey cutscene Negatives: Had to pass a...

Rush PPJ06

Level 2 Help : ~4 hours Randomizer: ~30 minutes Sound FX import and implement: ~2 hours Monday Night Fix Session: ~3 hours Total Hours:...


What I did this week: Animations: ~3 hrs Texturing: ~3hrs Modeling: ~1.5 hrs Research into Particles: ~2hrs Total: 9.5 hrs What went...

Idan Hershcovich PPJ 05

Tasks: -Team leads meeting: 1 hour -Dev Meeting: 2 hours -Documentation: 30 mins -Playtesting: 1 hour -Merge issues: 30 mins -Tech...

Tyler Sheehan PPJ 05

Positive: Completely redid the model for Amon and got it rigged and texture. I was also able to get to animating the Hellbat. Negatives:...

Rush PPJ05

Completed: Health Orb Item: ~3 hours Implement pedestals and various pretty particle effects: ~1.5 hours Dev meeting: ~1 hour Positives:...

Drew Graham PPJ 05

Week 5: Implemented capability for Tactic switching in Enemy class: 3 hours Enemy bug fixing/merge conflicts: 3 hours Asmodeus...

Michael Khodash, PPJ 05

Tasks Completed: · Retopo and Rig on Beelzebub (4 hours) · Updated existing and made new Templar animations (2 hours) · Play testing (.5...

Wills Martin - PPJ 05

Task: Dev meetings - 1.5 hours Creating and implementing Steamon slash effect - 1.5 hours Creating and implementing Steamon metal spark...


Tasks: Remove equip button - 1 hour Empty slot uses null grail - 30 minutes Drop grail behind player - 30 minutes Total: 2 hours...

Harrison Brietling PPJ 05

Tasks Completed: Team Meetings (2 hours) Playtesting (2 hours) Gantt Chart/GDD Revisions (2 hours) Particles/Game Goo (8 hours) Total...

Michelle Zhong - PPJ 05

Tasks - Dev meeting: 1hr - Surface shader for minimap (unused): 1.5 hrs - Minimap Lighting: .5 hr - Fix player foot bug (need to do...

Yehonatan Tamir, PPJ 05

Tasks: -Model Grails (1:30 hours) -Environment Art Meeting (1:00 hour) - Lead Meeting (30 min) -Texture: Texture grails and ground plan(2...

Joseph Chaga PPJ 05

Tasks: SFX (Ice Grail, Super Ready, Drop Grail, Player Death) 3 Hours Total: 3 Hours Upcoming: More SFX as needed Title Music Level 3...

Nazifa Nawar #5

Hours: -Fix mana and health ui: 2 hours -Finally draw out the pause menu ui and pick a font - 5 hours -Meeting - 1 hour Positives: UI is...

Zach Harris PPJ 4

Tasks Completed: - Met with devs: 2 hrs - Helped artists push assets: 1 hr - Made Ice grail feel good: 3 hr - Started Mech Grail: 2 hr -...

PPJ # 5

What I did: Meeting: ~1 hr Texture Pillar: ~1.5 hrs Model Grails: ~2 hrs Update Models + Textures in Repo: ~1 Hr Positives: Got some...

Kat Leitao PPJ 4

Tasks Completed: -1 Meeting with leads and 2 with developers (4 hours total) -Made enemy and player attacks register and effect...

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