Tasks Completed
Implemented Art Assets into Engine and Prefabs Part 2 - 3.5 hours
Created square ratio (1:1) rooms - 5.0 hours
Total Hours: 8.5 Hours
I'm starting to get used to implementing art assets into our room prefabs, so it's been taking less time than it used to in the beginning.
I had to do all my work before I left for SIGGRAPH on Friday. Essentially, I had only two days to work on this project before I had to go.
I plan to work on any art asset implementation that the art team needs me to implement as prefabs and place into the rooms. Also, I didn't get the chance to do font stuff, so I wonder when I'll get to that... hopefully next week.
Plans of my own ideas include:
Logo Upgrade
Visual illustration of the entrance to the Palace of the Chalice
Refined/updated illustration of the Templar
Visual illustrations of various levels