Tasks Completed
Fixed Steampunk Rooms - 0.5 hours
Created more Steampunk Rooms - 6.5 hours
Edited Demonic Rooms Floor Texture and Add Demonic Gates as Doorways - 0.5 hours
Added Stone Gates as Doorways to Steampunk and Stone Floors - 0.5 hours
Total Hours: 8.0 Hours
I created about 20 more rooms for the steampunk levels based off of Yohan's level designs. Creating brand-new room shapes consisted of the more time-consuming areas of room creation. The floor textures for the demonic levels also came in and I implemented them to the current three demonic rooms as well.
I came back to a slew of not-so-great sentiments after my trip back from SIGGRAPH. Although I specifically gave information and awareness well before my trip (like explaining that I won't be focusing on the project and I can't make any tangible progress), things still fell apart. I tried my best to fix up loose ends for the past two days and make it ready for the programmers, but I still feel frustrated.
I plan on creating rectangle rooms, H/I-shaped rooms, and L-shaped rooms for the stone and demonic levels. Since I've created the shapes already for the steampunk rooms, I can just copy and paste the template with their respective assets. I didn't get to any font stuff for the game at all and I've just felt like I'm pushing it off way too far. Hopefully, I'll see if I can get to it.
Plans of my own ideas include:
Logo Upgrade
Visual illustration of the entrance to the Palace of the Chalice
Refined/updated illustration of the Templar
Visual illustrations of various levels