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Wills Martin - PPJ 08

Tasks: Lighting - 2 hours Effect tweaking - 2 hours Vampire slash update - 3 hours Dev meeting - 1.5 hours Shader bug squashing - 1 hour...


Tasks: Fix bottom left grail ui - 3 hours Total: 3 hours Positives: Got it fixed Negatives: No time for cutscene Upcoming: Cutscene

Joseph Chaga PPJ #8

Tasks: Title Music: 7 Hours Total: 7 Hours Upcoming: Title and Level 3(?) Fight Music Positive: The title music is coming together nicely...

Nazifa PPJ #8

Leftover Ui stuff Health and mana glow - 1 hour Yet another home screen on Yohan’s vision - 3 hours Loading screen - 1 hour Changed pause...

Harrison Brietling PPJ 08

Tasks Completed: - Team Meetings (2 hours) - Survey Updates (30 mins) - Grail Model Particles (3 hours) - Light Grail Attack Particles (4...

Michelle Zhong - PPJ08

Tasks: New Level Generator: 6 hrs Speedon Animator Controller: .5 hrs New Health/Mana UI: .5 hrs Bugfixing (restart, speedon tint,...

Yehonatan Tamir, PPJ 08

Tasks: -Reworked sell slides and came up with asset list needed(1:00 hours) -Created Poster (1:30 hour) - Play testing (1:00 hour)...

zach harris ppj 8

This week Lightning grail - 3 hr Vampire grail - 1 hr Meetings - 3 hr total - 7 hr positives: easy changes this week negatives: lightning...

Lange - PPJ #08

Tasks Completed Fixed Steampunk Broken Rooms Prefabs - 0.5 hours Fixed Steampunk End Room Prefab - 0.5 hours Assembled Temple Level...

Idan Hershcovich PPJ 08

Tasks: -Team leads meeting: 1 hour -Playtesting: 2 hours -Dev meeting: 1 Hour -Merging/merge issues: 1 hour -Getting build ready: 2 hours...

PPJ #8

What I did: Attended Meeting: ~.5 hrs Made stone Rooms: ~3.5 hrs Total: 4 hrs Positives: Finally have a temple level "in the game"...

Michael Khodash, PPJ 08

Tasks Completed: · Rush Demon Texture (2 hours) · Steamon Animation (1 hours) · Lead Meeting (.5 hours) · Total (3.5 hours) Upcoming: ·...

Kat Leitao - PPJ 07

Tasks Done: - Lead Meeting; discussed what to cut and keep (2 hours) - Reimplemented camera shake (1 hour) - Implement hitstun code that...

Idan Hershcovich PPJ 07

Tasks: -Team leads meeting: 2 hour -Playtesting: 1 hour -Merging Total: Approx. 3:00 hours What went well: -Progress was done -What went...

Drew Graham PPJ 07

Week 7: Taught Kat how the Enemy systems work: 1.5 hours Implemented new EnemyMoveComponent for speed demon (doesn't use NavMesh): 3.5...

Rush PPJ07

Implement existing soundFX: ~2 hrs Find and Implement needed soundFX: ~2 hrs Reworked Grail Randomizer: ~1.5 hrs Prefab stuff: 1 hr...

Zach Harris ppj 7

Tasks: - Vampire grail more features: 3 hr - Light grail balance and tweaking: 1 hr - Mech grail balance and tweaking: 1hr - Ice grail...

Michael Khodash, PPJ 07

Tasks Completed: · Beelzebub texture (2 hours) · Lead meeting (1 hours) · Total (3 hours) Upcoming: · Animation tweaks · Texture for...


Tasks: UI for grails - 2hours Cutscene-8 hours Total: 10 hours Positives: cutscene first draft is finished Negatives: ui for grails not...

Wills Martin - PPJ 07

Tasks: Creating vampire projectile effect - 4 hours Bug fixes - 2 hours Teleporter effect - 1 hour Lighting changes - 0.5 hour Total -...

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