Tasks: -Reworked sell slides and came up with asset list needed(1:00 hours)
-Created Poster (1:30 hour)
- Play testing (1:00 hour)
-Environment Art Meeting (1:00 hour)
- Lead Meeting (30 min)
Total Hours: 5:00 hours

Positives: - All the levels have at least 5 rooms made only stone needs more rooms.
- More time to focus on front end presentation then just the back end of the game.
- UI is becoming very solid and is visually focused.
Negatives: -Merge conflict due to an overlooked merge request/merge conflict nearly deleted 20 rooms.
-Team members are stressed due to finals which causes in fighting.
-More refinement needs to occur and things have to start being out into systems.
Upcoming: -Final check on UI.
-Polish existing models.
- Work more with people on presentation and see if we can have a bigger marketing campaign.
-More play test and help with paper work and presentation.