Week 8:
Dev Meetings: 2 hours
Worked w/ Kat on speedon: 4 hours
Debugging/fixing broken navmesh agents: 4.5 hours
Created enemy spawn positions for new levels: 1 hour
Started work on butt slam attack: 1 hour
Total: 12.5 hours
I spent a good chunk of my time this week assisting Kat with her implementation of the rush demon. I'd originally planned to do it myself, but I was running out of steam this week and Kat wanted to get her hands in the Enemy/Tactic code so I left it to her. She did a good job! We spent a good bit of time arguing (debating) about code design, his functionality, and what to focus on for the prototype. I left most of the decisions to her, as she was the one making it and I was getting tunnel vision from exhaustion at this point.
We're starting to experiment with how the rush demon plays in our current rooms. It's clear that he does better in some rooms than others, and we've quickly realized that adding more of them to the room can quickly become overwhelming for the player. There's a good chance I'll have to rework the enemy spawn code so we can specify a maximum quantity of a specific enemy that can be spawned; for example, we might want 5 to 7 enemies in a room, but only 2 of them can be the rush demon.
I started work on Asmodeus' butt slam attack. The animation doesn't play yet (it has to be re-exported with proper settings), but the functionality is there.
I also created enemy spawn points for the new levels. I'm not sure which levels will be playable in the build, but they should all be ready to be populated.

Next week I'll most likely be doing maintenance on our existing enemies: balancing the rush demon, tweaking enemy spawn settings, and finishing Asmodeus' butt slam attack.