As an individual I believe I did relatively well. I was able to design all the levels we would need. I assigned tasks each week to individuals as I was the environment lead. I made sure things got in every week and worked one on one with every artist that needed me. I also modeled out to of the 3 game levels that were produced. I think over all the artist team I was given preformed exceptionally well.
- I think one of the best parts about this project was working on a lot of different elements for the game every week. As lead I put on a lot of hats and I was happy to do it.
- Another positive is how well people listened and were able to complete tasks on time on my team. Tough it takes time to figure out the best method to hand out assignments my team was able to complete all there tasks in a timely manor.
- Lastly, the team was able to be well ahead of schedule in the last two weeks. We were able to refine what was needed and keep pushing assets so the world felt full.
- Communication at first was a struggle and we had to over come many hurtles to make it all work out.
- Due to set backs one of my levels was only put in the very last minute of the game and due to that the quality of lighting is less then ideal even though all the models were laid out and modeled well in advance.
- Working in a large group requires a more straight policy then in smaller ones and people where not everyone was flexible and able to do that.
- Create the correct form of communications
_ If there is a large team enforce a flexible policy that helps make sure all deadlines are met.
- Make sure that if things get made that the priorities are for the team to get those in the game so it can be tested and not to dwell on tasks that do not make sense.
Overall the project was fun, but came with many setbacks that I hope to fix moving forward to senior project.