Dev meeting -1.5 hours
Learn how to use animation events - .5 hours
Discuss with Kat Animation Events and Animation Controllers -4 hours
Fix animation transitions - 1 hour
Add Animation Events - 1 hour
Met with teammates to review the AI system - 1.5 hours
Total: 9.5 hours
-I got to learn how to use Animation Events!
-Transitions are running smoother with less parameters to check
-I'm getting to learn a lot about something that I've used, but haven't really explored (like Blend Trees)
-Since a lot of the AI is getting reworked
-Difficult to navigate the scripts to find the right ones to edit for animation since they are spread out
-Prefab names don't match the model names, it took a bit to figure out which prefab to edit
- Looking into Blend trees to work with the new AI structure

Fixed animations to use Foot IK so they don't go through the floor

Fixed Transitions to use speed float as a transition parameter instead of Running and Idle Triggers. Since the scripts already use floats to determine speed, this keeps things simple.
Updated the EnemyNavAgent script to use the right animator controller parameters
Added in Animation Events to all character animations as well as event scripts (Kat added in the functionality since she was working on changing the functionality already, so I provided the framework).