-Change Player Animation Controller to use Blend Trees: .5 hrs
-Edit Scripts to work with Animation Edits: 3 hrs
-Edit system to use Animation Events for footstep sounds: .5 hrs
-Modularize/Consolidate Enemy + Player Animation Events: .5 hrs
-Create Minimap: 1.5 hrs
6 hours
-Figured out how to modularize some of the animation events
-Learned how to do Minimaps!
-Lots of consolidation!
-Had to wait for a lot of other people's work
-With a lot of new systems, some breaks are a result of new
null reference errors and old script references,
as well as new implementations not working, meaning
figuring out what went wrong and waiting for fixes
-Had to revert script changes made earlier in the week due to reworked Player implementation
Whatever Idan assigns, but likely working with Drew on Enemy + Enemy Animations

Added in Semi-Transparent Minimap to the scene, along with a red dot to indicate player position.

Our reworked Player Controller. We now have Running as a Blend tree, as well as consolidating the Left and Right Punch animations into a BasicAttacks Blend Tree, and creating a Super Attacks blend tree for all of the Super Animations we will eventually have. I also changed the transition for Running as a float instead of a boolean.

Added in Animation Event for Footstep sounds, instead of the hard-coded timed method previously used.