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Lange - PPJ #02

Lange Eo

Updated: Aug 25, 2019

Tasks Completed

  • Environment Art Meeting - 0.5 hours

  • Ram Skull Model Sheet - 2.0 hours

  • Blood Tap Model Sheet - 0.5 hours

  • Dilapidated Wall Model Sheet - 1.0 hour

  • Chained & Sealed Gate Model Sheet - 1.0 hour

  • Claws Model Sheet - 0.25 hours

  • Horns Model Sheet - 0.25 hours

  • Spectral-Flamed Monolith Model Sheet - 0.75 hours

  • Beelzebub Character Concept Design - 4.5 hours

Total Hours: 10.75 hours



I've been creating model sheets/orthographic views for assets in the Demonic Levels that I created concept designs for last week, and it's a bit challenging to do because we humans only see in perspective, not orthographically. I enjoyed creating the views nonetheless as it makes me critically think about how an object should be viewed orthographically to make it easier for the modeler(s).

I also created three concept designs for the third and final boss of the game, Beelzebub. It's supposed to be a combination/mix between a fly and a human/humanoid figure, so it has also been challenging to anatomically analyze how I could fit those two together and make Beelzebub look believable. This was enjoyable, though it may have taken longer than it should have.

All in all, things are looking good.


I may have spent too much time on the model sheets and Beelzebub's concept designs, but they were challenging - stuff I had to think about rather than draw with low thinking activity.


I plan to work on the concept designs for all of the grails as they will be needed soon. I will also need to create and refine final designs for existing content, such as Beelzebub.

Plans of my own ideas include:

  • Logo Upgrade

  • Visual illustration of the entrance to the Palace of the Chalice

  • Refined/updated illustration of the Templar

  • Visual illustrations of various levels


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